Aotea Health Expands

Whats happening behind the screen at the health centre? You may be wondering what is happening behind the screening between the Community Health Centre and the Playground. The GBI Community Health Trust who on behalf of our community own the … Read More

Wastelines – Zero Waste Updates

News & Updates on Aotea Zero Waste Initiatives from our fantastic Resource and Recycling Centre Vape Recycling, Carbon Neutral Cleaning Products & Compost for Sale We’re excited to see some great new initiatives aimed at minimising waste and reducing our … Read More

Kawa Marae Youth Program

A new youth program has launched, supporting and creating new learning, connection and fun activities through the winter months Kawa Marae Taiohi Tū Māia Program will run fortnightly on Sundays from 10am – 3pm. This may however change, due to … Read More

Being True

Lurline (Lou) Reed’s passion for both children and Māori culture has enabled Te Reo me ōna tikanga to become an essential part of Ōkiwi school and the community for the past 34 years. Last week, Lou retired. We share her … Read More

Tourism Steering Group Assembles

Steering group established to tackle actions set out in the Destination Management Plan. A new steering committee has convened, following the initial tourism hui that discussed the Destination Management Plan back in February, attendees from that meeting  who showed interest … Read More

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