Things don’t always go to plan. Here is a comprehensive list of numbers to help out in these situations.
Ambulance, Fire or Police Emergency: 111
Police: 09 4290 343
For Urgent Medical Treatment, 24/7 call:
- Community Health Centre Claris: 09 4290 356
- Port Fitzroy Nurse’s Cottage: 09 4290 047
If you have a life-threatening emergency, call 111
Dept of Conservation: 09 4290 044
Mental Health Crisis: 0800 800 717
GBI Marine Radio: 09 4290 281
Maritime Radio: 094 914 5663
Coastguard North Region: 09 303 1303
or cellphone *500
Auckland Harbour Master: 09 362 0397
Vet -Anne Kernohan: 09 4290 463
Animal Control: 09 4290 931
Bird Rescue: (Karen Walker) 09 4290 478
DOC wildlife, whale, dolphin strandings: 0800 362 468
Auckland Council: 09 4290 258
Pharmacy: 09 4290 006
Dentist: 09 638 7927
Mechanic: Barrier Automotive 09 4290 830
LPG: Aotea Gas Co 09 4290 968
GBI Gas Co 09 4290 090
Tyres Claris Tyres 09 4290 885
Gulf Fuels

Come on holiday and forgot your medication? Please note, there is a small local pharmacy on the island – ph. 09 4290 006. However, unlike pharmacies on the mainland they do not stock all medications, are not open for prescriptions everyday and there can be delays in freighting medication.