Aotea/Great Barrier Island is unlike any other destination you’ll have visited. Our land, seas and skies are sanctuaries, and need protecting. Our lifestyle and its challenges are unlike the city and the rest of New Zealand. We ask that you tread lightly, respect the land, people and culture, and take your trip as an opportunity to slow down and enjoy the pace. You’ll start to realise that sometimes, less really is more.

Check out the links below for essential tips for your visit, what to expect and to learn more about what modern conveniences you won’t necessarily find on our beautiful off grid island.

New Zealand’s Tiaki Promise. Visitors as guardians of Aotea.

We, like the rest of Aotearoa, follow the Tiaki commitment, promising to protect Aotearoa for years to come. We encourage visitors to help us, and to become guardians of the environment during their stay.

Come have a chat with us at our visitor information centre at the Claris airport, to learn about how you can contribute to protecting and restoring the environment.

© Carol Comer