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Options & Trade-Offs – Auckland’s Long Term Plan

Auckland Council Long-Term Plan 2024-2034. Not the most captivating title, is it?  But this single document will influence our rates rises for the next three years, and how much funding is allocated to Aotea for various projects and programmes. 

In a wider sense it sets out the long-term direction for the whole of Tāmaki Makaurau, and how everything will be paid for. This includes transport, water, city and local development, environment and regulation, parks and community, economic and cultural development, and council support. 

This is how the mayor couches it: “Auckland Council has reached its teenage years. Now is the time for us to grow up: assert Auckland’s role in driving our own future, tackle our big financial challenges and focus on strengthening the long-term financial and physical resilience of the region.”

There’s a particular twist this time around – Wayne Brown is giving us three options – 1) pay less, get less, 2) pay more, get more, or 3) A “central” proposal which lies somewhere in the middle and is the Mayor’s preferred option. 

Specifically, the public consultation document that’s now out for you to complete (😊 – see link below) asks which of these you prefer: 

The central proposal: pay 7.5% more in rates in FY25 (financial year 2025), 3.5% more in FY26 and 8% in FY27. As a result, $39.3b will be spent on capital works and $72b on operations.

Pay more get more: 14% rates raise in FY25, 10% in FY26 and 10% in FY27, but $52b worth of capex expenditure and $76.5b in operations.

Pay less get less: – 5.5% in FY25 followed by 3.5% and 3.5%. ($33.5b in capex and $69.2b in operations)

Of course, those are just numbers. The sorts of things we’re talking about in terms of spending are, for example, in the “pay more get more” scenario: an accelerated programme for electric ferries; more electric trains; increased levels of public transport services; development of urban cycleways and walking connections to support greater mode shift and reduce reliance on cars.

The “pay less, get less” option is significantly less sexy. 

But what do you think? It’s worth reading the plan and giving feedback. Local priorities are also featured in it. Key priorities for Aotea are capital and community grant funding as well as support for our environmental groups. We also want to progress the Ahu Moana project and advocate for managing exotic Caulerpa, support Tū Mai Taonga, underpin community led waste initiatives and look into a visitor levy solution. 

Do you agree? Have your say here

Feedback closes on 28 March. 

Article and Plan Summary by Kathy Cumming, Community Strategist


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