As all may know or attended, the Island held the very first Waitangi day commemorations,
hosted by Te Motu o Aotea Māori Womens Welfare league. For those who don’t know, Te
Tiriti o Waitangi was signed in 1840 between Māori Rangatira and representatives of the
crown, to assure Māori that their interests were protected and to address the lawlessness of the early whalers and settlers. The purpose to ensure both parties could live peacefully together. This is the founding document of our country. This is why it is so important to commemorate and celebrate.

We started off with a hikoi from the top of the hill across from karaka bay road down to Rarohara. You could feel the anticipation through the air as everyone gathered for this
historical event. What you could see and feel was the Kotahitanga from all. People from Rangitawhiri all they way up to Motairehe and Kawa, joined together with the whakairo of
Toitū te Tiriti. This vibe stayed present through out the whole day as we were welcomed on to the reclamation by Mana Whenua, indulged in the delicious kai that was available and participated in the days events.

With Te Motu o Aotea Māori Womens Welfare League re-established back on Island we are planning on this being an annual event. So if you weren’t able to make this years celebrations, don’t worry it will be happening every year and promises only to be bigger and better!
Ngā Mihi Nui
We would like to thank the local police, our volunteer fire fighters and Auckland transport for making a safe space for us all while on the road. Also our many sponsors who supported the day with their generous donations for our raffles and prizes. All pūtea raised will be going towards getting the league members to the annual conference this year.
We live in a special place and have such amazing people in our community which showed on this day. Nā reira, ngā mihi maioha, ngā mihi aroha ki a koutou katoa.
Next Event: Matariki
Kawa Marae is hosting Matariki this year which the league will be supporting by running the hautapu ceremony. Matariki this year is on the 28th June. Stay tuned for details.