You have until 17 June 2024 to submit your feedback to the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan
Most of the community care about the quality, efficiency and cost of transport to and from the island.
If you are someone that cares, you have between now and Monday 17 June 2024 to provide feedback to the Regional Land Transport Plan 2024, which scopes the 10-year investment plan for Auckland’s transport network.

The name of the plan is deceptive, it is not just about land transport, it also includes plans for decarbonising ferries – although many of you would likely also like to comment on the non existent public transport provision on the island too.
You’ll also note that Aotea isn’t on any of the maps or mentioned in the plan. Don’t let this put you off, you should submit anyway. The island is within the region the plan covers. Stakeholders on the island have every right to provide feedback, and at very least we might get the island on the map the next time this comes around!