Census Snapshot

Aotea’s population has increased by over 30% in the last five years. As reported in the Census 2023, Aotea’s population has increased from 936 to 1251 permanent residents between 2018 and 2023 – a 34% increase over five years.  However, … Read More

Regional Land Transport Plan

You have until 17 June 2024 to submit your feedback to the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan  Most of the community care about the quality, efficiency and cost of transport to and from the island. If you are someone that … Read More

Six60 Grass Roots Success

SIX60 serenaded by the island schools, explored what Aotea has to offer and put on an epic show. Last weekend Aotea hosted the last stop of the Six60 Grass Roots Tour at the Barrier Social Club. The band arrived on … Read More

Managing Food Waste on Aotea

Anamata share creative ways to deal with your food waste on Aotea Instead of kerbside collection of food waste, on Aotea we are encouraged and supported to find alternative solutions with a better outcome. Our community is a creative one … Read More

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