Recycling on the Rise

Congratulations Aotea Community!

This summer, collection of recyclable materials from kerbside increased by 12% from last December and January. Over the same time, kerbside rubbish (to landfill) collections decreased by 13% relative to the previous December and January. 

Kerbside rubbish collections December – January decreased by 13%  relative to December and January last year. This is a fantastic change supporting the health of our environment and resources. Thank you!

Clear Recycling Bags

Clear recycling bags are being regularly used, where required. Paper and card should not be put in a bag with other recycling as it gets contaminated and must go to landfill. Use a separate clear recycling bag for paper and card, if required.

If you don’t have a yellow recycling bin, or for other reason wish to put more out to kerbside, you can purchase orange rubbish and clear recycling bags from the Auckland Council Service Centre, Stonewall, Port Fitzroy and Claris Stores.

Thank You Auckland Council Waste Minimisation and Innovation Fund

Aotea through an Anamata application has been awarded $11 000 Auckland Council Waste Minimisation and Innovation funding to support composting and environmentally sustainable disposal of food waste on Aotea. These funds will be used to expand composting at Anamata, especially for food scraps and invasive plants. 

New Recycling Standards

Pop into Anamata for a free magnetised info sheet, like this one below, about what can be recycled or download a copy from the website.

Power at Anamata

The power system, funded by our Local Board, and Auckland Council WMIF and Climate grants, among other things, has enabled two electric vehicle charging points available to the community, currently for a koha, and facilitating the move to carbon neutral, clean and quiet transportation on Aotea

Tour Anamata to learn what happens to your recycling

Site tours at Anamata are free. Ring to arrange a time for you or your group to visit and learn what happens to our recycling.  

Words by Jo O’Reilly, Director of Anamata and our Zero Waste Facilitator