Land, sea and skies.

The moment you arrive on Aotea/Great Barrier Island you’ll undoubtedly feel more connected to nature. The island offers visitors the chance to disconnect from fast modern life, reconnect with themselves, others and nature.

If you’d like to delve deeper, there are tours available to take you on a journey through our land, our seas and our skies. There are group tours to discovering the rich history of the land and people. Dark sky tours to share with you the abundance of stories in our dark sky sanctuary. Guided walking tours through the Aotea Conservation park, to deepen you knowledge of history, conservation and future sustainability of the land. Coastal sightseeing tours and sustainable fishing charters, to discover untouched coastline and learn about fishing responsibly in the Hauraki Gulf. And wellbeing wanders giving you the chance to connect with mother nature and restore.

Explore the listings below and get in contact with the information centre for tours and booking advice.

Showing 1 - 15 of 15
Rachel Hunter, Nature Bathing with WaiOra Well being
Dolphins on a sightseeing tour with Hooked on Barrier
Discovering the universe with Star Treks