Port Fitzroy to Coopers Castle


The track begins at the top of the Okiwi/Port Fitzroy Hill and ascends the southern ridge, under a forest canopy with views of both sides of the island. At a signposted junction reached after 2 hours, a 5 minute detour leads to a lookout, where a large volcanic-rock bluff gives extensive views of Okiwi Basin and the Whangapoua estuary. The main track descends to Kaiaraara Track, then it’s a short walk to the remains of the Lower Kauri Dam. Start from the top of Port Fitzroy/Okiwi Hill at Aotea Road.

Take care at the look out there is an extremely steep drop off.

Have a look at the Port Fitzroy map here!

Points of Interest

Coopers castle – Large volcanic-rock lookout
Extensive views of Okiwi basin and Whangapoua estuary

Taonga (Flora & Fauna)

Old native bush including Tī kōuka (Cabbage tree), Kauri, Kōwhai, Horoeka (Lancewood), Mānuka, Kānuka, Nīkau, Rātā, Tōtara, Kahikatea, Puriri, Mamaku, Rimu etc
Chevron Skink
Pīwakawaka (Fantail)
Riroriro (Grey Warbler)
Moho Pererū (Banded Rail)
Kōtare (Kingfisher)
Kererū (Wood Pigeon)
Tauhou (Silvereye/Waxeye)
Ruru (Morepork)

2 hr 30 min - 3 hr one way
Child friendly
Dog Rules
Dogs are not permitted on these tracks