Forest Road


Port Fitzroy to Whangaparapara
A popular trek for both trampers and mountain bikers, providing a wide array of beautiful bush and mountain views. The track can be started from Whangaparapara Road and Kaiaraara Bay Road. It can also be accessed from Kiwiriki Track and Line W Track.

Please remember to use the Kauri dieback hygiene stations provided at each end to protect our endangered taonga.

Have a look at the Aotea Map here!

Points of Interest

Maungapiko lookout point
Kaiaraara Hut
Swing bridge river crossing

Taonga (Flora & Fauna)

Old native bush including Tī kōuka (Cabbage tree), Kauri, Kōwhai, Horoeka (Lancewood), Mānuka, Kānuka, Nīkau, Rātā, Tōtara, Kahikatea, Puriri, Mamaku, Rimu etc
Chevron Skink
Pīwakawaka (Fantail)
Riroriro (Grey Warbler)
Moho Pererū (Banded Rail)
Kōtare (Kingfisher)
Kererū (Wood Pigeon)
Tauhou (Silvereye/Waxeye)
Ruru (Morepork)

5 Hours
Advanced tramping track
Dog Rules
No Dogs allowed